Recognition of our expertise

Most of our customers assign us more than one mandate. Moreover, several trusted us four times and more. In fact, Expert-conseil PME aims to establish a partnership with its customers through a comprehensive approach to continuous improvement. Our customers appreciate this approach.

Furthermore Expert-conseil PME was recognized by the Ministry of Finance and Economy (the former MDEIE) in the framework of the productivity measure grants’ (MAP). In addition, forty mandate, management coaching and training were funded by Emploi-Québec.

The administration of subsidies governmental programs simplified ... for you!

Expert-conseil PME supports your business efforts with government agencies to apply for financial aid (grants and loans on advantageous terms). Your "paperwork" and your monitoring efforts will thus be limited!

The effectiveness and continuity of our service

A single and sole consultant will work with your company throughout the mandate. Expert-conseil PME has honored this commitment (since 2000) for all its mandates.

So with Expert-conseil PME, consulting services are always made by the same professional that you have established your first contact. No surprise during your mandate execution.

Our added value approach

Here are the steps we take to tailored our interventions to your needs and added value to your project:

We use computer applications that enable our consultants to complete in less time and more precisely than our competitors many productivity interventions (5S, continuous improvement, 2D diagram, process analysis, etc.)..

Also, we put human aspects at the heart of our consulting work on productivity. Expert-conseil PME develops since 2003 an innovative approach that ensures that human resource management is central to the implementation and use of best practices by employees.

We work with your staff skillfully and we communicate with you regularly and rigorously the progress of projects that you have entrusted to us:

Our senior consultant

◦Sees emailing the persons concerned a brief agenda before each visit;
◦ Ensure, where necessary, follow up with employees about agreed actions leading to the achievement of the project;
◦Indeed, at each visit, communicate the results of its intervention with the owner or manager before leaving the client place in order to be attentive to your needs and respond to it proactively.

All orders entrusted to us are executed by a senior consultant (20 years or more of professional practice).

Partners of Expert-conseil PME are professionals in relation with the firm for more than five (5) years.

Mr. Martin displays extensive experience in many industrial manufacturing processes:
Wood working
Doors and windows

Metal working
Injection molding
High technology

Member of the Order of Engineers of Quebec (OIQ), Mr. Martin was a lecturer at STIQ ,  CRIQ and SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineer). More, he owns many certificates of quality auditor from the Grands Prix québécois de la qualité.

In closing, before founding in 2000, Expert-conseil PME, Yves Martin, was responsible for the quality, production manager and vice president of staff and operations. He works within the SMEs since 1985.

Professional ethics

Also, Expert-conseil PME adheres to a code of ethics. Our code covers aspects of loyalty, integrity, confidentiality, fairness and responsibility. 



                                                                    Valider votre problématique opérationnelle en visionnant nos vidéos.

Voyez comment vous pourriez éradiquer vos irritants ou comment améliorer vos opérations en déployant les meilleurs pratiques opérationnelles comme :

La méthode 5S, Coûts de revient, Faire mieux avec moins, Informatiser pour être plus productif, Gestion du changement, Supervision active, etc. 


Gestion générale

La méthode 5S

Coûts de revient

Faire mieux avec moins

Gestion du changement en 6 points

Supervision active

Informatiser pour être plus productif

Aménager une usine efficiente

Transformation Lean

Stratégie manufacturière

Efficacité opérationnelle





Solutions PME, le bulletin électronique trimestriel des meilleures pratiques, décrit les enjeux auxquels les dirigeants de PME sont confrontés et présente des pistes d’action pour rendre vos entreprises plus compétitives.

Solutions PME est envoyé par courriel en janvier, mai et septembre.
L’édition de janvier 2018 couvre les sujets suivants :

    1-PFEP     2-Contrôle de profitabilité


                                                   Présentées dans notre section Extranet, elles passent en revue chacune des pratiques à haut rendement applicables aux entreprises manufacturières.      

L’approche présentée, la PVA (LEAN), a permis à plusieurs PME du Québec de réaliser des gains de productivité de l'ordre de 20 à 35% depuis une vingtaine d'années.

Les outils suivants font ou feront l’objet de capsules audio : 5S, SMED, Kaizen, Piloter à vue, lots de petite taille, Kanban, Temps de tack, TPM, Poka-Yoké, Andon, balancement naturel, etc..                                                                                     ORDRE ET PROPRETÉ.wma








Réalisation: lesproductionsmb.com


Contacter le  président

Expert-conseil PME déploie, en collaboration avec vos gestionnaires et employés, des solutions pour remanier vos processus et les rendre nettement plus efficaces que ceux de vos concurrents. 
Notre maîtrise des pratiques d’affaires reconnues mondialement et nos outils informatiques spécialisés vous permettront d’atteindre rapidement et à moindres coûts vos objectifs d'affaires.  Pour en savoir plus ...  English version...               

Contacter le président

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